I'm looking for a coder for #RodLand remake on #amstradcpc Plus/GX4000. Please help if you know someone interested. It would be a great game for the Plus/GX4000, fully feasible !
Now case mods and HxC fitting!! This went really well, apart from the odd bridged via causing the HxC to stop working briefly! LCD and main HxC board mounted in brackets in the top case. Buttons next...
Lynx GameDrive Production PCB built up and tested. All looking good! Final bit of testing and these will start to go into production... finally! The website is being updated with product and distributor details as they come online. @AtariAge@DragonBoxShop
Disk related chips and passives populated. It now defaults to disc mode in basic!!! This means it has found the FDC. Just waiting on an IDC connector for the floppy drive now.
About 2/3 of the through holes have been cleared ready for sockets! What a seriously tedious job. And I'm getting some stubborn solder, too. Going to break out the desolder station to give that a try on the rest!!
Do you have diagram schematics for arcade games? If so, please contact me. Not interested in diagrams for CRT monitors. Not interested in diagrams already available for download in the web.
I like the geometric layout of this chip from a Soyuz space clock, so I wrote a blog post explaining how it works. Although the Soviet Union cloned many Western chips, this NAND gate chip has some creative features. The clock is full of surface-mount TTL.
1/2: I wondered how feasible useful verlet simulation would be on the Jaguar GPU. I think, pretty possible. This is using 10.6 fixed point and some SIMD by having both X&Y packed into one register. Distance is via 16 section linear approximation.
Finally getting to doing Jaguar GD stuff again! Woo! I'm basically now waiting on things for the Lynx and NeoPocket GD's, so I've just laid up the programmer / tester device for the Jag GD. Things are moving ever closer. Albeit at a moderately fast snails pace...