: RetroHQ :

November 30th 2018, 20:52:13

I do like the Lynx 1... it's bigger than a house brick, and about the same weight, but it's strangely alluring! That one looks in good condition. Mine is rather worn, to say the least -- it's nice to know someone got good use out of it though! Top piece of hardware.
Earlier I asked "What's in the box?". Well, it was three rather lovely pickups! Here's the first, an Atari Lynx version 1 with matching carry case. I plan to McWill mod this one!


: RetroHQ :

November 29th 2018, 22:15:08

Awwww, yeah. Those Russians sure do know how to make a sexy looking glowing number tube. I've got some nixies (like those I think) and some driver chips. Must make a clock! The only thing I worry about is burning them out... 😕
Bought an early Christmas for myself, a personalised Nixie Clock from @BadDogDesigns_! Absolutely love it 😍


: RetroHQ :

November 29th 2018, 22:07:55

Lol, first the X68000 update, now the SNES?! Unintentionally I'm MiSTer whoring like crazy tonight... 😆
MiSTer SNES core publicly released. You MUST update MiSTer main to use it


: RetroHQ :

November 29th 2018, 21:30:06

The Sharp X68000 really was a legendary computer. Basically an arcade machine in a box masquerading as a computer, and it looked bloody awesome. Why did we never get it over here, Sharp?!


: RetroHQ :

November 28th 2018, 21:45:08

This is no lie! The McWill modded Lynx screens absolutely transform the Lynx. It really makes you realise how ahead of its time the graphics capabilities of the Lynx were. Sadly LCD displays just couldn't do it justice at the time!!
It's a thing of beauty ! #Atari #Lynx #McWill

: RetroHQ :

November 28th 2018, 21:18:07

Argh! The evil!! 😲😫😖😩

Looks quite nice, though....
You thought that the #amiga #AmstradCPC baby was wrong. This is even wrongerer! #Atari #retrocomputing


: RetroHQ :

November 28th 2018, 18:44:17

If you're not familiar with GadgetUK's work and like a bit of retro hardware fixing and modding, take a look at his YouTube videos, and then stop by his Patreon! Top bloke and voted person most likely to fix anything which broke, ever. Especially if it was made by SNK... 🤟
Patreon Early Access - SNK Neo Geo - 10 x Neo Geo MVS Boards Repairs Part 2 (Neo-Buf Agony)


: RetroHQ :

November 28th 2018, 09:36:47

There is something really special about single screen games. Not quite sure what, but they just appeal to me. In so many genres too -- Bubble Bobble, Pac-Man, Super Sprint, Rod Land, Lode Runner... A lot were multi-player too, which helped! Super Sprint is a favorite though. 🤘


: RetroHQ :

November 28th 2018, 09:32:04

I did enjoy playing this. It was two player as well I think -- or was that Super Cars 2? Still doesn't come close to Super Sprint in this genre for me, though! I spent so many hours playing Super Sprint on the ST in two player mode... 👍
Playing a bit of Super Cars by Gremlin on the Atari ST tonight. It scrolls very smoothly, the graphics are decent, music and sounds are okay, but it is just not as good as Super Sprint. 7 out of 10. Not bad.

: RetroHQ :

November 27th 2018, 22:30:06

Now that is a sight to behold. Weirdly it looks a bit like a crap sci-fi movie... they were more accurate than I gave them credit for! 😀
There’s a quiet beauty here. Looking forward to exploring my new home. #MarsLanding


: RetroHQ :

November 27th 2018, 22:24:47

Cool, I had no idea there were compressed ROMS on the SNES! I must read more into that... I assume you must specify pages or something and it decompresses to a memory range? #rtfm
My article on SD2SNES's new S-DD1 Special Chip Support

: RetroHQ :

November 27th 2018, 18:04:37

Hah, I like this. I've got a bucket of old eproms which would make some interesting looking bugs... that's Christmas presents sorted out, then! 🤣
At least someone has some time on their hands! #Neondude Next little figure to be added to the series:
#fishing #pets #electronics #Handmadehour #maker


: RetroHQ :

November 27th 2018, 13:49:36

Another funky bit of hardware I've never seen before. The MegaPC from Amstrad I know. But it seems the PC and Mega Drive portions of this computer could interact? The MegaPC couldn't do that. Does that mean you could do sortof PC / Mega Drive hybrid games? Funky thing.
I'm not saying you should buy a Sega TeraDrive. But if you were rich, and you really wanted to, then you could -

: RetroHQ :

November 27th 2018, 13:45:01

I remember this fondly on the Amstrad CPC. It had very nice mode 0 graphics, and the memorable "low score" table. Ahhh, the days where having decent graphics in a game was actually unusual!! 🤣
Retrogaming Memory! ❤

Title: Monty Python's Flying Circus
Publisher: Virgin
Version: Commodore Amiga
Year: 1990



Lawrence Staveley

November 26th 2018, 22:05:51

The real Treasure 🙂


: RetroHQ :

November 26th 2018, 14:59:48

Jeez, you know you're an old-school coder when it pleases you to see numbers which are 2^n and can be expressed with just a single bit being set. Or maybe just odd? One of the two. But thanks to the 2^9 (and growing) of you who may find something interesting in my tweets! 🤘🏻

: RetroHQ :

November 25th 2018, 22:57:17

@ZXSpectrumDev It's been so long now since I've done any development on the Enterprise, but it's an extremely under developed system. Very flexible graphics hardware and the sound wasn't too bad either! Would be nice to see more for it. 👍


: RetroHQ :

November 25th 2018, 16:40:55

I've always liked The Spectrum Show -- It doesn't get as many viewers as it should in my opinion. If you've not seen it before, give it a watch! 👍
The Spectrum Show Episode 79 now live.

Retro Video Gamer

November 25th 2018, 10:40:55

RVG Interviews: @StooCambridge

#sensiblesoftware legend, a gentleman and a scholar!

#retrogaming #retrogames

: RetroHQ :

November 24th 2018, 20:21:40

Magic Pockets was ace. I still remember seeing that first on a kids TV show being played over the phone... going live? I don't think I got any further than the jungle levels. I'm better at writing games than playing them. 😁
A random page from the #AtariST archives (with 4 shown here). Any favourite games/etc here for you guys?

: RetroHQ :

November 24th 2018, 20:17:48

Phew, I thought it was just me! There's drawers full of the things... and boxes in the garage... and boxes in the attic... I may have some kind of cable hoarding problem. 😳
More than one!


: RetroHQ :

November 24th 2018, 20:14:59

A good read about the style icon that is @mrbiffo. I'm completely with the pushing your limits approach to life. You only live once, do everything you can and more besides. 🤘🏻
#moc #moc RVG Interviews: Paul Rose @mrbiffo

About that Show and much more!

#retrogaming #retrogames

: RetroHQ :

November 23rd 2018, 09:29:45

Very nice, Bad Apple, Jaguar stylee. 👍
A few lines of code changed here, some bytes altered there....


: RetroHQ :

November 21st 2018, 22:43:12

Wow, more awesome console rarities! Gotta love tiny CRT's. Sir Clive would be proud... or something. 🤔
IT'S ALIIIIVE! We dug a little deeper into the Mini Vectrex console this weekend and we're happy to report it is now back to working order! Check out this video of the console in action!

: RetroHQ :

November 21st 2018, 21:55:54

Power computing scsi drivers?! That's where they went. I never thought to look there... 😂 Seriously, talk about a time capsule!
I found a locker on the @Space_Station that probably hasn't been opened for a while... / Ich habe hier auf der #ISS ein Fach gefunden, das vermutlich schon seit einer Weile nicht mehr geöffnet wurde... #SpaceStation20th


: RetroHQ :

November 21st 2018, 21:41:16

Now this is a thing of beauty. It makes me want to buy brass tubing... 😮
Some close ups. The chassis is made out of 1.5mm brass tubing. Soldering this together while keeping the chassis squared was the most challenging part of this build. I was working with a standard 50W soldering iron. Might need to invest in a higher wattage iron in the future.


: RetroHQ :

November 20th 2018, 00:12:19

Never heard of the Mega Jet before now! So many odd niche gaming devices out there I didn't know existed. I always love to learn about more exotic incarnations of gaming tech.
Any love for #Sega systems today? RT if so. What do you consider the best #Sega system ever made? #gaming

: RetroHQ :

November 16th 2018, 23:15:23

@Lord_Arse A quick little update video on what's been happening here at the RetroHQ in recent months, where we are currently, and aspirations for the future!

: RetroHQ :

November 14th 2018, 22:56:13

Very cool! As Smokey says, hugeness is upon us. You can't have accurate hardware simulation without accurate timing!
MiSTer: F68K Cycle-Accurate 68000 Soft Core Source Released. This is HUGE, for reasons I explained here


: RetroHQ :

November 13th 2018, 22:25:08

The phrase "you can't unwatch it" springs to mind! 😂 Seriously surreal, and actually had me laughing out loud several times. It's like retro gaming meets Reeves and Mortimer, on acid.
Digitiser Episode 1 - featuring @LarryBundyJr @Octav1usKitten @gameplayjenny and @PaulGannonShow with @ashens @stevemcneil & @mrtimmoore #DigitiserTheShow #Retrogaming #Vectrex #SuperNES #MegaDrive

: RetroHQ :

November 11th 2018, 21:49:18

Is it just me, or is he the guy from NES Jekyll and Hyde?!
Red Dead Redemption 2 players are determined to find a mystery NPC named Gavin - have you seen him?



November 9th 2018, 22:24:20

Working hard on getting copies of Treasure Island Dizzy and Defender of the Crown for the #AtariJaguar built so we can ship them out next week! #Dizzy #OliverTwins #Cinemaware #Atari #ClassicGaming #RetroGaming

: RetroHQ :

November 9th 2018, 19:32:41

This reminds me of Virus (or Zarch if you're an Archie user) with a car. Very cool! Someone do an ST version quick... 😀
Physic engine meets rally game 🤩
#pico8 #workinprogress

: RetroHQ :

November 6th 2018, 22:23:46

Aww, man. ANOTHER @bitmap_books publication I'm going to have to buy, now. Stop it, you're going to bankrupt me! 😖
Bitmap Books is proud to announce it will be publishing a new title called The CRPG Book: A Guide to Computer Role-Playing Games. Reviewing over 400 role-playing classics from 1975 to 2015.

More info 👉
Sign-up for updates 👉

: RetroHQ :

November 6th 2018, 22:20:58

Oooh, ooh, ooooooh! New sexy looking Atari STE game! Want want want.
Hello friends. the almighty Tomchi has given permission to share the new game "r0x Zero". You can find the download links in the comments section of the r0x page here :
Enjoy this fantastic release! 😳

#atari #atarist #GamersUnite #gamers #arcade #shooter


: RetroHQ :

November 6th 2018, 21:03:16

That is the wrong-est thing I've seen in quite some time... 😵
Like Dave Perry I picked up a 38 year old full of silicon in a West Country back street last week and put her in a video.

: RetroHQ :

November 1st 2018, 21:59:42

Mmmm, clicky keyboards! I still have my original old clicky keyboard back from my first PC in the mid 90's. Still working perfectly. Keyboards were made to last back then... 😀
Going down deeper into the mechanical keyboard rabbit hole



November 1st 2018, 17:10:08

Infinikey-CPS2 prevents Capcom CPS-2 Arcade boards from self-destructing when the battery dies.

Retro Video Gamer

November 1st 2018, 16:17:38

@TheRetroHQ A RETROspective.

We take a look at how RetroHQ started, the product line and whats comes next.



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